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Topics - Dirk

Pagine: [1]
How to / Grades functionality
« il: Febbraio 08, 2020, 10:23:10 am »
How does this function work?
The Combobox below "Properies/Settings/Grade" is always empty.

The tag "%GA%" should return this value - is this correct?

Bug / Setting Designer is lost
« il: Ottobre 16, 2019, 11:13:37 pm »
1. Settings -> Main -> Designer
2. Type something into Textfield and press "Ok"
3. Reopen settings
  => Textfield is empty

Version: 1.9.2188

Corsi, stage e workshop / cSurvey workshop at EuroSpeleo?
« il: Agosto 08, 2018, 06:01:54 pm »
Are any cSurvey experts at the EuroSpeleo?   ;)

How to / Cave symbol for pit in Austrian style?
« il: Novembre 03, 2017, 11:58:44 pm »
Does a possibility exists to draw a pen type with decoration "empty triangles" for a pit?

Please see B44a - the second picture (b) with empty triangles:

Of course it isn't UIS standard, but it is used in Austria.

I need to add these informations to title block of a plan:
  • Positive drop
  • Negative drop
  • Total drop
  • Total length
  • Horizontal length
  • Elevation
Is it possible to add tags for these informations to "Properties" -> "Information box and stations" -> "Information box" ?


How to / Legend of used symbols
« il: Ottobre 09, 2017, 02:39:25 pm »
Is it possible to show a legend of used symbols on the plan like in therion?


Bug / Import problem with sketch of pockettopo data
« il: Settembre 12, 2017, 02:16:02 pm »
I import two surveys and all shots shown correct, but the second sketch is shown at the wrong position.
Please see attached screenshot.jpg.

I think it's a bug.
Or, have I done something wrong?

1. import pockettopo data & graphics "Demo_VM1_therion.txt" (Stations 1.0 til 1.5)
2. import pockettopo data & graphics "Demo_VM2_therion.txt" (Stations 1.1/2.0 til 2.3/1.3 =loop)

If I import only pockettopo data & graphics from "Demo_VM2_therion.txt" everything is fine.
PocketTopo-, export- and project-file attached in Zip-file.

I use always "PocketTopo exchange format (*.txt)" as import format. Everytime I have to change the import format from Visual Topo to PocketTopo.
It would be helpful to have a programm setting where the user could choose his prefered default import format.

Pagine: [1]