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Topics - Razvan Dumbrava

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How to / Use of old version files in the new v.2 Csurvey Software
« il: Giugno 28, 2023, 12:13:12 pm »
Hello... Is it possible to use the files from the old versions of cSurvey in the new cSurvey v.2? Thank you!


How to / Error message help
« il: Aprile 15, 2022, 10:58:42 pm »
Hello... I get this error message when I am trying to import a *dat file. Can you help me to indentify the error? What means the numbers? The numbers of the lines? How to identify the stations with problems?


How to / Export *.svg with and without graphic - Problem at scale?
« il: Dicembre 18, 2021, 09:10:11 pm »

I've noticed that when I export a document without any graphic it goes out at a different scale (a bit bigger) than the same document with graphic.
When I try to put the one in front of another, they differ. Is there any issue or some settings that i have to pay attention?

I mention that the scale is set manally 1:100 for both documents.

The info (data) are imported from TopoDroid.

For the one with graphic, when I place it in Illustrator I get the message: ”Clipping will be lost on roundtrip to tinny!”

See attachments!

Thank you!

Razvan Dumbrava

How to / LRUD - Beginning station
« il: Giugno 01, 2021, 12:35:18 pm »
Hello... If i have LRUD on shots at Beginning station(s), how to enter the last station LRUD? Is there any specially place for this or just add 4 splays?


How to / Select / Identify a splay
« il: Maggio 05, 2021, 11:31:57 pm »

Is it possible to select a splay on the design and to see what splay is it on the data panel? (Like the shots?).

Thank you,


How to / Export: Splay with no points
« il: Gennaio 21, 2021, 08:50:12 am »
Hello... Is there any possibility to implement (for the future releases) an export option with lines (only) with no points for splay? Now, it can be exported: only points and line and points...

Thank you!

Razvan Dumbrava

Hello all... Is there any way / instrument to measure distances in cSurvey (in plan / profile / 3d)?

And another question... How can I change the type of profile? (extended / projected...).

Thank you!

Razvan Dumbrava

How to / Many cave surveys in a single file?
« il: Gennaio 02, 2021, 04:04:15 pm »
Hello all and a Happy New Year, a better one!

Is it possible to have many caves (cave surveys) in the same file, to compare them and simulate on the surface?
I tried to import a file, but if they are not connected (have at least one common station), it is not imported.

I will try more on help / courses, but if someone have a little bit time, maybe can confirm if this is possible.

Thank you very much!

Razvan Dumbrava
Oradea, Romania

How to / Problems when importing cave sections (enabling WARPING)...
« il: Dicembre 21, 2020, 03:34:23 pm »

When I try to import another section / survey in a cSurvey document, in survey check I get the messages: Plan warping not enabled in this survey / Profile warping not enabled in this survey, and if I ignore this, the design (sketch- i just have a plan sketch) is moved in other position, different from the centerline...

Can anyone explain a bit where to check for enable warping in a survey? I just don't understand where I did wrong... Some of other surveys just worked fine...

Thank you!


How to / Export - Image - in different format (problems with svg)
« il: Dicembre 01, 2020, 10:14:53 pm »
Hello... Is there any option to set the resolution for the exported image? (jpg, tiff, etc). And... in case i export svg... why the size of this image (when imported 1:1) is different compared with jpg, tiff (raster images)? Anyone tried?

In addition, when I import the *.svg to Illustrator i get two instances (one small and one big)... Anyone of you get the same result? (see attachment).

Thank you!

Razvan Dumbrava

How to / Export data
« il: Maggio 19, 2020, 01:35:36 pm »
Is there any possibility to export data in autocad format?


How to / Color splay individually
« il: Maggio 18, 2020, 09:55:40 pm »
Hello... Is it possible to color each splay individually with a different color? I am trying to find a solution...
For example, if from a station I pointed to some important things that I want to mark (some targets for example), and I want to identify these targets, how do I do? I thought by marking them with colors, but maybe you can gimme another advice...

Still, the question remains... Is it possible to set a different color for each segment / splay? Because in the data panel, in layout, there is a possibility to change the color of every single splay / segment.

And another question... Is there any option that can be set for the station names / signs to be variable? I mean, if I zoom, the text/symbols to continue to be smaller and smaller. Now, if i zoom in, the text become bigger and bigger and if two stations are very close, you cannot distinguish them... I know that there are some particular cases, I just need to know if there are these options active / at the users disposal.

Thank you very much!

How to / System of measurement
« il: Maggio 11, 2020, 05:17:30 pm »
Hello, is there any possibility to use cSurvey with a different system of measurement? For example: Imperial measurement systems or US customary measurement systems?
I didn't found a way to change the measurement units...

Thank you!


How to / Import design from TopoDroid
« il: Marzo 21, 2020, 12:18:15 pm »
First of all I hope that all of you are good, guys. I see Italy fighting terrible with the virus. Wish you all the best and good health!

This is the situation> I import the data from TopoDroid (for example). When i import also the design (let's say - the plan with drawing from the cave) it is not exactly over the sketch. Is there any way to import the design in place (specifying an origin or something), or am I doing anything wrong? I hope you understand the question...


How to / Substract borders inside a gallery
« il: Marzo 11, 2020, 12:54:50 am »
Is there any tutorial how to substract an area inside a gallery (creating borders inside)... I tried with substract but it connects somehow with gallery corners...
Do you have some advice / tips?

Thank you !

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