Yes...this box are now replaced by design objects with same functionality.
Go in design (plan or profile) and see drawing objects add buttons with grayed background in signs level: you will find compass, information box and scale.
But, if you need, in file->property->design you could check 'Allow legacy print and export extra objects' restoring it as in oldest surveys.
Using design object have some advantage:
- you could create this object where do you need (not only in the corners)
- this objects are more flexible even in customization parameters
- this objects (but you could do it also for any objects) are, by default, extra objects so they are not used to center your design in the export area.
And some disadvantage:
- if you want many different scale, compasses or info boxes you need to add it hidding for specific print/export layout (there is a button in object properties to do this)
Some function are the same:
- info boxes have a shared text (the same you find in file->property->information box and stations) even if you add many of this objects. You could change scale, font ecc for each one but changing text of one change text of everyone.
I choose this way cause I have a lot of survey with one print/export layout (1 for plan and 1 for profile) and with this kind of objects in design I could customize better my work.