My name is Nacho, I live in Spain, in Málaga, and I love caves. I'm starting in this wonderful world of topography and I think cSurvey may be just was I need to complete DistoX2 and Topodroid, in order to work with information and to create the topos.
I'm trying to understand how to work with the program by watching the 6 videotutorials. I don't understand all what I see, of course, but I understand enough because spanish is similar to italian, but we speak a little slower

So, I've seen there are some example files, the "Corso" files. It would be really nice if I could get the example files, in order to follow better the lessons.
Thanks for this excellent application, and for the mp4 files. And thanks in advance for the example files, if it is possible to get them.
Nacho Asensio
Málaga (Spain)